Listening & Negotiation Skills

Persuasion with your ears

In this fast-paced, six-hour workshop Dr. Brent McCall will share foundational principles for more effective listening.  Participants will also discover the strategies for successful negotiation with external customers.

You will learn:

  • Why being other-centered during negotiations actually helps you get what you want

  • The mental construct critical for being a better listener

  • The five actions of great listeners that make them more persuasive

  • Why the best negotiators are known more by their questions and less for their statements

  • The twelve types of questions that help you understand your counterparts and gain the ability to create win/win solutions

  • A four-part-preparation framework to improve negotiations outcomes

  • How to improve working relationships and resolve seemingly intractable disputes

  • The importance of your BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement) to gain a better understanding of your options

  • How to evaluate your personal tendencies in the face of conflict and learn to manage your strengths and weaknesses

  • How to recognize the most common manipulative tactics used by difficult people —and ways to neutralize their effects

  • How to win, not by defeating the other side, but by winning them over

Our Process

All skills and strategies are reinforced in the context of preparing for and conducting two role-play negotiations with members of the management team.

Participants will not only conduct negotiations in teams, but they will also observe the negotiations of other teams. Following each round of role plays, management and participants will debrief on what they learned from each role play. Since most negotiations occur with external clients over multiple meetings, we strive to emulate this during the workshop. As such, Ideally, each team will conduct two meetings applying the learning from the initial negotiation to the second.